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Limit- Don't Eliminate

We all have areas in our lives where we struggle, and it often feels as if we can only get rid of certain emotions, people, problems, feelings, or...

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Exploring the Victim Mindset

No matter who you are, you have life coming at you all the time. You must deal with the agenda of others. You must deal with your own weaknesses,...

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You Get What You Give

Let’s face it. This is one of the most challenging times and one of the most unique times that many of us have faced. We are dealing with a...

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Redefine Strength


 A big part of success is developing our strengths and mindset required for whatever we want to accomplish, whether that’s...

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It Is What It Is

Oftentimes, it’s challenging to make sense of our lives and it feels that life often happens to us.  Nobody has total control over their...

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Stop Performing Mental Gymnastics

 From the beginning of time, human beings have pondered the meaning of life. This trend continues today. We all have a certain desire to find...

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All You Need Is 5 Minutes


We all have dreams and goals. We also have challenges that get in the way of our goals. Lastly, we all have obligations that take up our...

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Shifting Behavior


 One of the building blocks and engines of your life is the way you behave. Behaviors lead to actions, repetitive actions are your...

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Be Intentional

Our lives can feel random sometimes.  We have goals and dreams.  However, we feel that life, obligations, challenges, and other outside...

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Do You Know the #1 Goal?

Let’s face it, 2020 has been one of the most challenging years. No matter who you are, your life has been altered. At the very least, you had...

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